We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new website! After a couple of months planning, hard working and dedication, we are excited to officially announce the launch!
Hot New Looks from your Favorite Band! Designs For “Mariposa” “Oasis” “Lotus Flower” “Cafe’ Bolero” and Our Cool New GA Logo T-Shirts in some Rad New Colors. photos by David T Kindler
David Teaches how to play the Guitar like the Master himself! With clear and relaxed lessons and friendly patience on his New YouTube Video Channel, David Teaches the Essential of Spanish Guitar… from Beginner to Advanced. Included in his Channel are some of the most popular and Challenging Guitarra Azul Classic Songs.
We are releasing a new video every month to commemorate 10th anniversary of the “Lotus Flower” album in 2022!
Guitarra Azul “Tres Lagrimas” featured in The NEW Netflix Series In From the Cold!
To Promote the Release of “Cafe’ Bolero” Guitarra Azul Releases Music Videos of the Songs “Sad Angel” “Maya del Sol” “Adore” and “Antonio’s Cumbia”
8 years after “Lotus Flower” Guitarra Azul along with some wonderful special guest musicians Release a NEW 12 Song Collection of Little Master Pieces “Cafe’ Bolero“ including Concert Favorites“Adore”, “Cafe’ Bolero” and The Fiery “Antonio’s Cumbia”. Dedicated to the memory of their Dear Friend and Founding Member Tony Mhoon – The Spicy “Geja’s Cafe”, The […]